Heather Adores Books Home Blog tour ~ guest post: The Heart Ladder by Sibby Spencer

Blog tour ~ guest post: The Heart Ladder by Sibby Spencer

Genre ~ thriller

Release date ~ March 8, 2021

Page count ~ 208

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I am delighted to share a guest post today ~ thanks to Rachel’s Random Resources for organizing.

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Guest post:

Sibby Spencer is a poet, Reiki Master, co-host of the Whispers of the Soul podcast and author of the novel, The Heart Ladder. She is founder of Healing Reads – a spiritual book club, reviews books for BBC Radio Derby and runs her own online creativity course, Channelling Your Creative Spirit.

Are you late for an important date, or is time just an illusion?

” People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

Albert Einstein

Frequently these days, I find myself saying to people “I just don’t know where the time’s gone!” In actual fact, I’m not sure it really has gone – perhaps, as Einstein suggests, everything exists simultaneously. Even now though, I am surrounded – and seemingly ruled by – the man-made constructs of time. I can hear the ticking of my watch on my wrist. I only have to pick up my I-Phone and it will show me the time and date, my computer screen display also shows me this information. Hung on a nail to the side of my desk is a calendar, stuck on my wall to the other side are post-it notes with dates and word counts, telling me how many words I have left to write of my novel.

Working for myself, time takes on a bendy quality. I can be more productive in an hour one day than in a whole week sometimes, depending on where my energy is. Perhaps some of you can relate? My day is structured around dog walks and school runs. If I can settle down to something at 9.30am I feel I have conquered the world by 11am. Then after 1pm it feels as though I can’t achieve anything because school pick up time approaches like a freight train.

What is this timely phenomenon that rules our lives? How come the years start to pass more quickly after the age of 20 (or was that just me) – and even more swiftly after you have children? How is it that, as our esteemed friend Albert says, “When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour.”

To me this is proof that time is an illusion. It seems to take on different qualities depending on what you’re doing with it. Also we can go through periods of intense growth in a short time and then months – or even years – may pass where we feel we have been standing still, be that in our careers, our spiritual development, our productivity as creators or our progression towards our goals. We can also feel we go around in circles, when the same problems present themselves over and over again, or we feel like we’re back where we started.

Oh, to be free of these shackles so we can just be: so we can revel in each precious moment the Universe has gifted us with! Here are a few tips on how to stretch time to your advantage:

1. Practice Mindfulness. I know, it’s a buzz word – but it’s a buzz word for a reason: because it’s awesome! Mindfulness is literally paying attention to each moment as it passes, and fully experiencing it. You don’t have to do it all the time, although wow, that would be amazing. Just ten minutes a day can help slow down those relentless thoughts in your head, and help you suck the marrow out of your day.

2. Intersperse your days or weeks with something that brings you pleasure, be it drawing, gardening, running, cooking, DIY, reading, being in nature – whatever floats your boat. After all, ‘what is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare?’ (‘Leisure’ – W.H.Davies)

3. Finally, when you can, look at the stars in the night sky and know that this is all a cycle: we come and we go, we ripen then we die out. We will have times of growth and times of stillness. Without one we cannot appreciate the other. And there may be wrinkles and grey hairs and bigger bellies and strange hairs sprouting in bizarre places and sagging skin, but our souls do not know the meaning of time, and the good stuff – love, creativity, energy and light – goes on forever.

Find out more about Sibby here:




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