My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Genre ~ biography
Publication date ~ January 4, 2023
Page Count ~ 216
POV ~ single 1st
Here’s another case of where I would probably not have read this book had the author not reached out and asked me to do so, but I’m glad he did. If I read a biography it’s typically written by people I know, and by know I mean we’re very well acquainted from me watching them on tv. Anyway, I’m always happy to help get word out on new to me authors.
This is the story of an Indian immigrant who moved to the United States for a new job opportunity. He states his experience with cultural shock from 1989-1994, while also giving the reader a sense of what life was like for him in India as a comparison.
My thoughts:
~ it was interesting that he was a 14 hour flight away from home, but yet still found people he knew that had already immigrated to the US
~ he seems like a personable fella that made friends wherever he went
~ Since I lived NY (state, not the city, though) I liked the references to the Statue of Liberty and the Twin Towers
~ comparing driving a stick shift to ‘performing a circus act’ is spot on
~ I enjoyed learning more about India; words, practices etc
~ since he’s a computer programmer I liked that he typed his confessions, trivia and tips, etc, in code form
~ his shameless plugs were funny
~ the pictures and maps were a nice addition to get a sense of what he was seeing (though some codes must have had an error as some images were not viewable)
Overall, I found it to be well written and I felt like I was seeing what he was seeing as everything was described well.
*Thanks to the author for sending me an ARC. I am voluntarily leaving my honest review*
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Book blurb:
In the always-connected, always-online digital age and social media world, we tend to forget how life was before the ubiquity of laptops, tablets, mobile devices, smartwatches, and so on. The terms such as outsourcing, offshoring, nearshoring, and many more did not exist. The Indian IT industry was in its infancy.
Aithal takes us on an exciting walk down memory lane as he weaves his narration to pen his experiences migrating from Mumbai to New York—a culture shock. As the title suggests, the story combines his experiences in settling down in America and the dawn of IT opportunities. Both, adjusting to the social life in the US—where he faces the challenges of day-to-day life–and the professional life.
Peppered with humorous anecdotes in his early years of settling down in the US, the story makes an easy read with revealing details that many second-generation Indian-Americans are unaware of.
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