Heather Adores Books Home Blog tour ~ extract + a giveaway: The Highlander’s Unexpected Bride by Nicole Locke

Blog tour ~ extract + a giveaway: The Highlander’s Unexpected Bride by Nicole Locke

Genre ~ Historical Romance

Publication date ~ September 26, 2023

Series ~ Lovers and Highlanders #2

Page count ~ 279

I am thrilled to share an extract with you today ~ thanks to Rachel’s Random Resources for organizing.

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This is the moment in the story where the heroine, Beileag, confesses to the hero (her friend), Hamilton, how no one has ever kissed her, and no one ever will. He tells her sheā€™s overthinking it, and has a solution.

ā€˜Iā€™ll kiss you, then youā€™ll know how easy it is,ā€™ he said.

ā€˜Thatā€™s not what Iā€”ā€™

ā€˜Not what you meant when you asked for a favour. I disagree. I think it was, you just didnā€™t know it.ā€™

ā€˜That makes little sense.ā€™

It didā€”she just didnā€™t know that either. The more he thought of it, the more he warmed up to the idea. This was perfect truly. Perhaps it was a bit untoward, but they were friends and it didnā€™t have to mean anything. He could simply…show her what it was like. Then she wouldnā€™t be so unattuned with the men who were no doubt making jests about tools and falling flat.

Just kiss her, something chaste of course. And he could hold her. That wouldnā€™t be much. Heā€™d already accidentally been doing that for days now.

She was slender, her movements gracefulā€”she reminded him of a young tree in a gentle wind dancing to a tune he couldnā€™t hear and bending in ways he couldnā€™t guess.

Fitting perhaps to what she carvedā€”maybe there was some connection there. Another intriguing aspect to this woman…

Her hazel eyes, more golden again, growing wider as she waited for him to answer.

Was there a question? All he felt was some untoward anticipation.

ā€˜Hamilton?ā€™ she whispered.

A simple kiss, a light hold. Nothing much between friends.

Her hands trembled in his and he clasped them more fully, wanting to warm them. His eyes dropped to her lips when she pulled the plump bottom one between her teeth.

She wanted words, but he kept fumbling his words. Too much thinking and mischief was reasoned out. He was best at forging ahead and working with the consequences later.


Tugging her hands towards him, throwing her off balance, he tilted his head and kissed her.

Nothing could have prepared Beileag for the solid pliant heat of Hamiltonā€™s lips pressed to her own.

One heartbeat, two, in which a riot of sensations assaulted her: Hamiltonā€™s calloused hands

cupping hers, his unique scent, like crushed parsley and ale, the warmth of his breath, the tilt of his head as he aligned their noses, the way his feet bracketed hers.

The certain way he gave and took her first kiss, jerking his head away when he was done. Then rocking back on his heels which made a distance between them that his hands, still holding hers, did not. The way her lips, still tingling from the brief contact, never would. She felt branded in a way sheā€™d never un-feel.

One moment, two, and she was changed. From the hitch to her breath to the taste of him she swore lingered on her lips.

To the racing of her heart that wouldnā€™t stop, even when the kiss was absolutely over, and Hamilton was looking at her with a soft calm look in his hazel eyes. Something that was both smug and persuasive.

ā€˜There,ā€™ Hamilton said.

The single word scraped over Hamiltonā€™s natural voice. It, more than his continuation of hand holding, caused the flush of heat to her skin.

Hamilton of Clan Graham had kissed her. Her first kiss, maybe her only kiss, and heā€™d done it here among her trees, and he was looking at her as if it were just any other day. As if he was both certain of her response and his actions.

Which should have annoyed her to no end, or to the point where she punched him and shoved him away.

But that wasnā€™t what she felt.

She had to get through the shock first.

ā€˜There. What?ā€™ she said.

ā€˜Thatā€™s what itā€™s like. Nothing more or less.ā€™

They couldnā€™t possibly be talking of the same thing. Her heart wouldnā€™t stop the hard thump in her chest and she knew her cheeks were red from the way Hamiltonā€™s gaze kept dropping to her chest, chin, up her cheeks, as he followed her reaction.

ā€˜You kissed me,ā€™ she said.

ā€˜I said I would.ā€™

Book blurb:

Escape to Medieval Scotland, where a Highlander searches for a brideā€¦

Is the wife the Highlander seeks

ā€¦already by his side?

Back from battle, Hamilton of Clan Graham makes a bet with his brother to find a wife by summerā€™s end. So, the Scottish warrior enlists the help of his childhood friend, Beileag, to help him woo his perfect woman. But like Hamilton, Beileag has changed whilst heā€™s been awayā€¦and she intrigues him like never before! His focus should be on winning a bride. Yet why is Beileag all he can think about?

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Author Bio ā€“

Nicole writes exciting Medieval romance where all the first discovered romance novels hidden in her grandmotherā€™s closet. Convinced hidden books must be better, Nicole greedily read them. It was only natural she should start writing them (but now not so secretly). If she isnā€™t working on the next book in her historical series, she canā€™t be found. No, seriously. Because sheā€™s always working on the next story!

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Giveaway ā€“ Win a Signed Copy of The Highlanderā€™s Unexpected Bride (Open Internationally)

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