Heather Adores Books Home,Psychological,Thriller/Mystery Blog tour ~ book review: The Stepson by Diane Saxon

Blog tour ~ book review: The Stepson by Diane Saxon

I am delighted to be on this blog tour ~ thanks to Rachel’s Random Resources for organizing.

⤵ check out what my fellow bloggers thought of this one ⤵

The StepsonThe Stepson by Diane Saxon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Genre ~ psychological thriller
Publication date ~ June 19, 2023
Page Count ~ 376
POV ~ multiple 3rd
Featuring ~ multiple timelines, missing person, murder, baby death

Our main characters:
Lorraine ~ daughter of Sandra & Henry, divorced with 2 small children, Sophie & Elijah. Trevor ~ Henry’s son from his first marriage.

Sandra calls Lorraine around 3:30am scared that someone is going to break in and gives her a cryptic message before disconnecting. Lorraine can’t leave her children alone and doesn’t want to wake them, so when morning comes she goes around to her house and Mom is not there. The police don’t take her seriously and think she is just taking a breather for a few days since she’s still upset about Henry’s passing 9 months earlier.

I quite enjoyed the multiple timeline in this one. It was easy to follow along with and totally built up the suspense.
Lorraine’s timeline begins with the countdown of when her mom made the phone call to her right before she went missing. Since this was just every few chapters if made it seem like she’s missing for a lot longer and like the police weren’t doing anything to help find Sandra. She makes some questionable choices for being a 30 year old single mom towards the end there, too.
Trevor’s timeline begin 31 years ago right up to the present and we slowly see what kind of person he really is.

Overall, I enjoyed my first experience with this author and I’ll be back for more of her thrillers.

*Thanks to Diane Saxon, Rachel’s Random Resources, Boldwood Books and NetGalley for the ARC. I am voluntarily leaving my honest review*

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I’d love to hear your thoughts if you’ve read it.

Book blurb:

When your whole life becomes one big lie…

The night my mum disappeared, after a panicked 3am phonecall, I knew something was wrong.
The police tried to reassure me. There had to be a logical explanation they said – perhaps she’s taking a break after the tragic death of my father.
But I know my mum.
Or do I?
She would never leave without telling me.
Or would she?
The harder I look, the more I discover deep, dark family secrets I was not privy to.
Worrying secrets I was never meant to know.
Which means my parents have lied to me my whole life.
But why?
Who can I turn to? Trust?
Were they scared of something in their past?
Or were they trying to protect me?
Has mum gone on her own free will?
Or has someone taken her?

Diane Saxon’s compelling new thriller will have you questioning who you can trust to keep your family safe.

Purchase Link – https://mybook.to/thestepsonsocial

Author Bio –

Diane Saxon previously wrote romantic fiction for the US market but has now turned to writing psychological crime. Find Her Alive was her first novel in this genre and introduced series character DS Jenna Morgan. She is married to a retired policeman and lives in Shropshire.

Social Media Links –

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/authordianesaxon

Twitter https://twitter.com/Diane_Saxon

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dianesaxonauthor/

Newsletter Sign Up: http://bit.ly/DianeSaxonNewsletter

Bookbub profile: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/diane-saxon

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2 thoughts on “Blog tour ~ book review: The Stepson by Diane Saxon”

    1. I’m sorry, I totally didn’t see your comment. Yeah, sometimes they work and sometimes not. Thanks for stopping by 💕

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