Heather Adores Books Home Blog tour ~ guest post: Babs & Aggie: The Good, The Bad and The Vegan by Hazel Hitchins

Blog tour ~ guest post: Babs & Aggie: The Good, The Bad and The Vegan by Hazel Hitchins

I’m excited to have Hazel with a guest post today

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Genre: Women’s fiction / cosy fantasy

Publication Date: February 28, 2025

Estimated Page Count: 312

Standalone First Book in a series

Grab your copy on Amazon ~ https://amzn.to/3Xcay2r

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Babs and Aggie – A Question of Taste

Babs and Aggie – the Good, the Bad and the Vegan is out in the big, wide world but it started life as a joke. Or rather, a pun.

A few years ago, I won a place on a writing retreat hosted by a well-known writer/performer. It was fantastic. I came away refreshed, invigorated and ready to write.

But there was a downside.

The majority of the food served on the retreat was vegan and, whilst delicious, for a digestive tract unused to a glut of such fare, there were

The effects wore off and I was able to see the funny side. It even became a bit of a family joke – whenever anyone offered me food, they would add the words, “Don’t worry, it’s vegan!”. Oh, how we laughed!

The thing is, my writer’s mind started to play with the words and a grisly little story started to take shape with the words “Don’t worry, it’s vegan,” as a warped punchline. I saw it as a modern-day retelling of Hansel and Gretel and for that, I’d need witches. My memory dredged up a few likely candidates from folklore and I started to write.

The rest is history.

Aggie started talking and told me to write a different story altogether with her and Babs as heroes, not villains. But certain elements of that original idea endure – food is a recurring element of the story and helps to engage the reader’s senses to bring the tale to life.

It’s no surprise, really. Anyone who knows me knows I’m obsessed with food. I always think cooking and baking is an almost magical kind of alchemy. You take a few raw ingredients, mix them together, apply some form of heat and end up with something completely different.

But it’s more than that. Food is one of those great levellers that binds humanity. We all have a favourite food. It doesn’t matter if it’s fish and chips eaten from the paper on a park bench or lobster bisque, eaten in the finest French restaurant, we all have something that seems to speak to our souls when we eat it. Far beyond providing the nourishment we need, food speaks to us of home and comfort and togetherness. It’s an expression of love. When we send food to someone who is ill or bereaved, we are telling them, “I care. I want you to be well”. When we gather together at major holidays, there is usually some kind of feast involved – an opportunity to share food with the ones we love most and celebrate.

Aside from the emotional connections, food is a great way of tracking our similarities. For

example, travel the world and you will find every country has some form of bread. It may be leavened or unleavened, it may have different seasonings but the basic principle of mixing flour and water and cooking it is one we all share. There is usually some form of stuffed dough – be it pies, samosas or pierogi. Even a simple trek through Europe will show you numerous variations of layered pastry desserts – Mille Feuille, strudel, baklava
 Ultimately, food is one of the great ways we connect with each other and isn’t that what we’re looking for when we read fiction? A way to connect with the things that unite us?

Okay, I’ll admit it, I spent more time than was probably healthy scouring cook books of the world when writing Babs and Aggie. It gave me the perfect opportunity to learn more about a topic that already fascinated me. I even tried several recipes myself. I don’t want to brag but I think even Babs may have given the faintest of nods in the direction of my baklava (before telling me hers was better).

Yes, food was always going to be a big part of this story. The research I undertook to write it reminded me that, with very little effort, food can be a source of great pleasure and comfort and I believe that comes through in Babs and Aggie – the Good, the Bad and the Vegan
 just don’t read it on an empty stomach!

Babs and Aggie – the Good, the Bad and the Vegan is out on the 28th February.

Book blurb:

Aggie has reached that “certain age” – in her case, a thousand years or so, give or take a decade.

After centuries of bringing kings to their knees, running a small-town cafe isn’t how she imagined her life would pan out. Now, thanks to the machinations of the false vegan from across the road, she risks losing even that. And just when she thinks things can’t get any worse, along comes her old friend, Babs, in her House-on-chicken-legs, ready to ruffle some feathers with her unique blend of borscht, tough love and alcohol.

But everybody has a secret – the grocer who hides his loneliness behind a cheery smile, the neighbour crippled by debt and grief, and the young woman who jumps at her shadow – and before Aggie can help anyone else, she has demons of her own to lay to rest.

Can she confront her past to save her future? What is the ‘Vegan’ really hiding? Will Babs ever let her have the last word?

Raucous, rowdy, and heart-wrenching and heart-warming in equal measures, Babs and Aggie is a magical tale of love, loss and the comfort of a friendship forged through food, laughter and a LOT of slivovica.

Purchase Link – https://buy.bookfunnel.com/41hzpamzdh

Author Bio –

Hazel Hitchins is a writer who spends her days having conversations with her imaginary friends, some of which she writes down. She lives in Wales with her normal family, normal(ish) cat, and entirely abnormal laundry pile.

Find her on socials: @hazelhitchinsauthor

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