Heather Adores Books General Fiction,Home Book Review: Colours of the Fraud by Otilija Štajn

Book Review: Colours of the Fraud by Otilija Štajn

Genre ~ LGBTQ+ Genre Fiction
Setting ~ Slovenia
Publication date ~ August 5, 2024
Est Page Count ~ 281 (38 chapters)
POV ~ single 1st & multiple 3rd
Featuring ~ debut, 4 parts, multiple timelines, suicide

My review:

A sapphic story revolving around Ema, her work as an economist, her relationship with Mojca and a 500 year old painting.

Ema received a painting as a gift back in 1999. Now 20 years later it catches the eye of Ema’s friend’s boyfriend. He says the woman in the picture is his dead sister, who died in 1999. Thus sets forth an interesting investigation of its worth, where it came from and its authenticity.

In addition, Ema and her live-in girlfriend, Mojca’s, relationship is rocky as Ema deals with work issues. Can Ema find a work life balance that will make everyone happy?

Fraud is all around her, so it’s perfectly titled. There’s almost a poetic way with which the author slowly reveals the conclusion of each plotline. The multiple POV’s bring in different angles of the story, which helped move it along at a steady pace, keeping us in suspense. Overall, a fine debut that would appeal to those that enjoy a bit of mystery within everyday living.

*Thanks to the author for sending me a copy. I am voluntarily leaving my honest review.

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Book blurb:

What would you do if you found out the painting in your bedroom is worth a million?

A cancelled meeting unravels Ema’s life. As head of finance, her career begins to fall apart, and uncertainty suffocates her. Mojca, the woman she loves, is slipping away. At her thirty-fifth birthday party, things worsen when a guest identifies a nude woman depicted in an oil painting as his deceased sister—killed in a car accident in Ljubljana twenty years ago.

“Colours of the Fraud” places Ema in the spotlight. Faced with business fraud, she must make a tough choice. Will she chase financial gain, risking losing Mojca and the genuine bond they share? Or will she reclaim her integrity and find true self-acceptance? As her quest deepens, so do the stakes—her career, her loving lesbian relationship, and her very identity hang in the balance.

And what secrets does the enigmatic painting hold, weaving its threads into Ema’s fate?

The answers await discovery within the pages of her tale.

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