Heather Adores Books Historical Fiction,Home 🎧 Book Review: Hotel of Secrets by Diana Biller

🎧 Book Review: Hotel of Secrets by Diana Biller

Genre ~  historical romance fiction, 1800’s

Featuring ~ some violence, steamage

POV ~ dual 3rd person

Release date ~ March 28, 2023

Page count ~ 411

Audio length ~ 13 hours 31 minutes

My rating ~ 3.5⭐

My review:

Maria & Eli
The journal entries from prior years that start each chapter were a nice touch. Maria is a lady that knows what she wants and goes after it. I liked how she wanted to restore the hotel and throw a ball like they had done many years ago. I think attending a ball would be fun, but I don’t think my personality could have lived in the 19th century.

Eli was a sweet celibate spy. I liked how we had a reverse virgin storyline and how he did his research of what he needed to do to get the job done.
I don’t read too much historical romance, this might be my first or second actually, but it seems like an awful lot of work for a quickie in the linen closet with all the ties and buttons and multiple skirts and what not to tackle.

Overall, I feel this would appeal to those that enjoy historical fiction with some romance and mystery.

Carlotta Brentan ~ 13 hours 32 minutes ~ fine job.

*Thanks to the author, Dreamscape Media and NetGalley for the audio copy. I am voluntarily leaving my honest review*

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I’d love to hear your thoughts if you’ve read it.

Book blurb:

During ball season, anything can happen, even love.

It’s ball season in Vienna, and Maria Wallner only wants one thing: to restore her family’s hotel, the Hotel Wallner, to its former glory. She’s not going to let anything get in her way – not her parents’ three-decade-long affair; not seemingly-random attacks by masked assassins; and especially not the broad-shouldered American foreign agent who’s saved her life two times already. No matter how luscious his mouth is.

Eli Whittaker also only wants one thing: to find out who is selling American secret codes across Europe, arrest them, and go home to his sensible life in Washington, DC. He has one lead – a letter the culprit sent from a Viennese hotel. But when he arrives in Vienna, he is immediately swept up into a chaotic whirlwind of balls, spies, waltzes, and beautiful hotelkeepers who seem to constantly find themselves in danger. He disapproves of all of it! But his disapproval is tested as he slowly falls deeper into the chaos – and as his attraction to said hotelkeeper grows.

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